Carrying out its sustainability activities with the vision of "Healing the Future", Abdi İbrahim has published its 7th Sustainability Report comprising its activities between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. The report includes the sustainability goals set for 2030, 2040, and 2050 to heal the future of ecosystems, people, and business, as well as the long-term projects carried out in line therewith.

Planning its sustainability activities with a comprehensive perspective encompassing environmental, social, and governance aspects, Abdi İbrahim published its 7th Sustainability Report, detailing its sustainability efforts between January 1 and December 31, 2023. The report, which has been published every two years until now, will be published regularly every year from now on. 

Abdi İbrahim, a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2010, focuses on integrating 10 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by UN into its business processes, strategies, and operations. The report includes qualitative and quantitative data covering the Head Office and Esenyurt Production Complex. The report prepared in accordance with the globally recognized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards transparently shares Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 greenhouse gas emission data for 2023, verified with limited assurance by an independent third-party organization.


As the uninterrupted leader of the Turkish pharmaceutical industry for 23 years, Abdi İbrahim leads the sector with its committed efforts in the field of sustainability. Abdi İbrahim uses the power of science and technology by integrating sustainability into all its processes with the mission of contributing to a healthier, more livable, better future and healing the future throughout its sphere of influence and thus,heailing "the future of the ecosystem, people and business". In line with the primary goals of Abdi İbrahim for 2030, 2040, and 2050, sustainability projects aim to create greater value using fewer resources and to create sustainable benefits by healing the lives it touches.

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Having started a journey of healing 113 years ago, Abdi İbrahim continues to serve humanity with the goal of sustaining its innovative and leading role and the priority of leaving a "good" mark on the world. The sustainability strategy of Abdi İbrahim, known as 'HEAL2050,' is shaped by the European Green Deal, the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and insights from a company-led materiality analysis identifying risks and opportunities. In this context, under the umbrella of Healing the Future of the Ecosystem, which is one of the three core values of its sustainability strategy, the Company seeks to minimize its environmental footprint in all business processes and contributes to green transformation

Focusing on minimizing its environmental footprint, Abdi İbrahim is moving decisively towards its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050. The Company avoided 29,146 tons of CO₂e greenhouse gas emissions by supplying 100% of the renewable electricity used at its Esenyurt Production Complex and Head Office. In 2020, Abdi İbrahim joined the Business World Plastic Initiative, established in collaboration with Global Compact Türkiye, The Business and Sustainable Development Council (BCSD Türkiye), and Turkish Industry & Business Association (TÜSİAD), to fight against plastic pollution. While committing to reduce 17 tons of plastic, the company exceeded this target by reducing a total of 127 tons in 2023. With its projects to reduce its environmental impact, the Company saved 204 tons of water. 

Within the scope of long-term value creation strategy of Abdi İbrahim, the company implements high-impact projects aimed at enhancing the social welfare of all its stakeholders under the umbrella of Healing the Future of People. Abdi İbrahim, an employment leader of the related sector, considers talent management among its high priority issues. At Abdi İbrahim Academy, where development solutions are offered to support strategic priorities and create a common culture, the average training hours per person increased to 26 hours in 2023. In the area of social responsibility, the Abdi İbrahim Foundation touched hundreds of people with the House of Kindness, which provides shelter for children having cancer treatment and for their families. The Company implemented many projects with high impact under the titles of "Social Innovation in Health", "Creating Science Awareness among Young People" and "Company Volunteering Projects.  

With the vision of producing biotechnological products starting from the cell domestically, Abdi İbrahim invests in creating a wide product portfolio under the heading of Healing the Future of Business. While conducting research to improve its business model, the company acts according to responsible purchasing principles by including the supply chain in this transformation. Abdi İbrahim invested TL 320 million in R&D expenditures and USD 125 million in 2023 to carry its leadership in product development and R&D to the international level. With responsible supply chain practices, it increased the ratio of local suppliers to 74%. It continues to provide added value to the sector with innovative projects such as Sterile Ophthalmology & Sterile Inhalation Facility.


M. Oğuzcan Bülbül, Ph. D., President of Human Resources, Corporate Communication and Sustainability at Abdi İbrahim, provided insights into the content of the report: "As Abdi İbrahim, we accelerated our sustainability efforts in parallel with the developments in the world and implemented our HEAL2050 strategy. With this vision, we aimed to reduce our environmental impact and create social benefit by using fewer resources. We took an important step towards reducing our carbon footprint by supplying 100% renewable electricity at our Head Office and Esenyurt Production Complex. We are committed to becoming a carbon-neutral company by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. We have participated in CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) reporting since 2020 and showcased our sustainability performance on international platforms. In 2023, we achieved a significant international success by becoming the first Turkish pharmaceutical company to be included in the A List of the CDP Climate Change Program. In line with our HEAL2050 targets, we undertook strong projects to take our steps even further. We carry out projects that support continuous learning to define sustainability as an area embraced by all our stakeholders, especially our employees. In addition to issues such as climate crisis, energy and water saving, waste management, efficiency in production and the integration of innovative approaches with a focus on the environment, we also focus on making a difference with our social benefit efforts through equal opportunities in education and health, gender equality, support programs to raise awareness in science, sports and education. As Abdi İbrahim, we will share our long-term projects with the public through our sustainability reports, which will be published regularly every year from now on. Our long-term projects in our 7th Sustainability Report, supported by the main goals we have set for 2030, 2040 and 2050, are indicators of our determination to contribute to a more sustainable future."